Runes are a way to form expressions in Hoon.
Non-Rune Expressions
Hoon uses runes to form expressions, but not all expressions have runes in them. First, we have constant expressions (and also expressions that would be constant, but that they allow for interpolations).
Limbs and Wings
Limb and wing expressions also lack runes.
Runes Proper
. dot
Runes used for carrying out Nock operations in Hoon.
! zap
Wildcard category. Expressions that don't fit anywhere else go here.
= tis
(Subject Modification)
Runes used to modify the subject.
? wut
Runes used for branching on conditionals.
| bar
Runes used to produce cores.
+ lus
Runes used to define arms in a core.
: col
Runes used to produce cells, which are pairs of nouns.
% cen
Runes used for making function calls in Hoon.
^ ket
Runes that let us adjust types without violating type constraints.
$ buc
Runes used for defining custom types.
; mic
Miscellaneous useful macros.
~ sig
Runes that use Nock 11
to pass non-semantic info to the interpreter.
/ fas
Ford runes which import files.
, ==
Runes used to terminate expressions.