These are the files used in the Writing Marks guide.
|%++ validate :: All rows same length?|= csv=(list (list @t))^- ?=/ result%+ roll csv|= [row=(list @t) =flag ref=(unit @ud)]?. flag[flag ref]?~ ref[flag `(lent row)]?. =(u.ref (lent row))[%.n ref][flag ref]flag.result++ en-csv :: csv -> atom (to mime)|= csv=(list (list @t))|^ ^- @t(cat 3 (crip (join '\0a' (turn csv en-row))) '\0a')++ en-row :: encode row|= row=(list @t)^- @t(crip (join ',' (turn row en-field)))++ en-field :: encode field|= field=@t^- @t%+ rashfield%+ cook|= =tape^- @t?~ tape ''?: =('"' i.tape)(cat 3 (crip tape) '"')(crip tape);~ pose(full (star ;~(less (mask "\",\0a\0d") next)));~ plug(easy '"')(star ;~(pose (cold '""' doq) next))====--++ de-csv :: atom -> csv (from mime)|= dat=@t|^ ^- (list (list @t))=/ parsed (parse dat)?. (validate parsed)~|(%mixed-col-count !!)parsed++ parse :: parse cord|= dat=@t|^ ^- (list (list @t))%+ rashdat%+ most;~(pose (jest '\0d\0a') (mask "\0a\0d"))(most com parse-field)++ parse-field :: parse field from cord|^%+ cook|=(a=tape (crip a));~(pose unenclosed enclosed)++ unenclosed :: unquoted field;~ sfix(star ;~(less (mask "\",\0a\0d") next));~ pose;~ plug;~(pose (jest '\0d\0a') (mask "\0a\0d"));~(less next (easy ~))==;~(less doq (easy ~))====++ enclosed :: quoted field|^;~ sfix(ifix [prefix suffix] content);~ pose;~(simu (mask ",\0a\0d") (easy ~));~ plug;~(pose (jest '\0d\0a') (mask "\0a\0d"));~(less next (easy ~))==;~(less next (easy ~))====++ content :: quoted field contents%- star;~ pose(cold '"' (jest '""'))%+ cold '\0a';~(pose (jest '\0d\0a') (just '\0d'));~(less doq next)==++ prefix ;~(pose ;~(plug (star ace) doq) doq) :: quoted field prefix++ suffix ;~(pose ;~(plug doq (star ace)) doq) :: quoted field suffix--------++ csv-join|= [ali=(urge:clay (list @t)) bob=(urge:clay (list @t))]^- (unit (urge:clay (list @t)))|^=. ali (clean ali)=. bob (clean bob)|- ^- (unit (urge:clay (list @t)))?~ ali `bob?~ bob `ali?- -.i.ali%&?- -.i.bob%&?: =(p.i.ali p.i.bob)%+ bind $(ali t.ali, bob t.bob)|=(cud=(urge:clay (list @t)) [i.ali cud])?: (gth p.i.ali p.i.bob)%+ bind $(p.i.ali (sub p.i.ali p.i.bob), bob t.bob)|=(cud=(urge:clay (list @t)) [i.bob cud])%+ bind $(ali t.ali, p.i.bob (sub p.i.bob p.i.ali))|=(cud=(urge:clay (list @t)) [i.ali cud])::%|?: =(p.i.ali (lent p.i.bob))%+ bind $(ali t.ali, bob t.bob)|=(cud=(urge:clay (list @t)) [i.bob cud])?: (gth p.i.ali (lent p.i.bob))%+ bind $(p.i.ali (sub p.i.ali (lent p.i.bob)), bob t.bob)|=(cud=(urge:clay (list @t)) [i.bob cud])~==::%|?- -.i.bob%|?. =(i.ali i.bob)~%+ bind $(ali t.ali, bob t.bob)|=(cud=(urge:clay (list @t)) [i.ali cud])::%&?: =(p.i.bob (lent p.i.ali))%+ bind $(ali t.ali, bob t.bob)|=(cud=(urge:clay (list @t)) [i.ali cud])?: (gth p.i.bob (lent p.i.ali))%+ bind $(ali t.ali, p.i.bob (sub p.i.bob (lent p.i.ali)))|=(cud=(urge:clay (list @t)) [i.ali cud])~====++ clean :: clean|= wig=(urge:clay (list @t))^- (urge:clay (list @t))?~ wig ~?~ t.wig wig?: ?=(%& -.i.wig)?: ?=(%& -.i.t.wig)$(wig [[%& (add p.i.wig p.i.t.wig)] t.t.wig])[i.wig $(wig t.wig)]?: ?=(%| -.i.t.wig)$(wig [[%| (welp p.i.wig p.i.t.wig) (welp q.i.wig q.i.t.wig)] t.t.wig])[i.wig $(wig t.wig)]----
/+ *csv|_ csv=(list (list @t))++ grab|%++ mime |=((pair mite octs) (de-csv q.q))++ noun|= n=*^- (list (list @t))=/ result ((list (list @t)) n)?> (validate result)result--++ grow|%++ mime?> (validate csv)[/text/csv (as-octs:mimes:html (en-csv csv))]++ noun?> (validate csv)csv--++ grad|%++ form %csv-diff++ diff|= bob=(list (list @t))^- (urge:clay (list @t))?> (validate csv)?> (validate bob)(lusk:differ csv bob (loss:differ csv bob))++ pact|= dif=(urge:clay (list @t))^- (list (list @t))=/ result (lurk:differ csv dif)?> (validate result)result++ join|= $: ali=(urge:clay (list @t))bob=(urge:clay (list @t))==^- (unit (urge:clay (list @t)))(csv-join ali bob)++ mash|= $: [ship desk (urge:clay (list @t))][ship desk (urge:clay (list @t))]==^- (urge:clay (list @t))~|(%csv-mash !!)----
|_ dif=(urge:clay (list @t))++ grab|%++ noun (urge:clay (list @t))--++ grow|%++ noun dif--++ grad %noun--